Beef Medicine Manual for Beef Producers
The Beef Cattle Medicine Course delivers basic information to beef cattle producers on how to use animal health products responsibly, providing the necessary foundation upon which producers can work with their veterinarian to build their herd health programs, to ensure animal health, welfare, and performance, and reduce costs of production.
Click here to download the pdf.
Canadian Feedlot Animal Care Assessment Tool
The National Cattle Feeders’ Association (NCFA) has developed a new Canadian Feedlot Animal Care Assessment tool for auditing animal welfare. This tool has earned Certified Audit status from the Professional Auditor Certification Organization, Inc. (PAACO) that sets standards in animal welfare audits, and is the first certified audit designed for the feedlot segment of the food production industry.
Take the PACCO certified Canadian Feedlot Animal Care Assessment - click here for more information about this assessment.
Click here for a link to the assessment tool.
2018 Western Canadian Feedlot Management School Presentations:
Veterinary Drug Update: Antimicrobial Resistance and Regulatory Changes - Dr. Betty Althouse
Carrying Out Animal Health Protocols in the Feedlot - Kristen Hunter
Keys to a Successful Backgrounding Nutrition Program - Dr. John McKinnon
- Backgrounder Panel - Chad Ross
20 Years of Cattle Feeding – the Highs and Lows and Back Again - Brad Wildeman